Thursday, September 27, 2018

Common insurance policies you should seriously consider getting

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When looking for the most apt insurance policy for your needs and financial planning goals, it’s important to study the options carefully. Policies come with various features and add-ons, and the price will depend on the number of benefits included. The idea is to safeguard your most important assets.

Topping the list of must-have insurance policies is life insurance. This is important in ensuring that your dependents maintain financial stability when you’ve moved on. Study your annual income and decide on a plan that effectively replaces your earnings. Among other things, a life insurance covers burial costs and mortgage expenses, which can prove to be a huge burden for those you’ll leave behind.

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 A solid homeowner's insurance plan will make the process of replacing your home easier to deal with. Choose one that covers the cost of living somewhere else while your house is being renovated, as well as the needed structural replacement and the house’s amenities. While you’re computing, also keep in mind the cost of possible upgrades you might want to have.

It’s also great to be ready for possible future disability. Getting a long-term disability insurance will compensate for your compromised earning power if you can no longer work. This often comes hand in hand with a sound health insurance policy that will get you more financially ready for the rising costs of medical care should you fall ill. Just consider the argument that having one is much better than having to regret later as you deal with medical expenses.

Delos H. Yancey is the chairman, president, and CEO of State Mutual Insurance. He is a Certified Financial and Insurance Examiner and a fellow of the LIMRA Leadership Institute. Click this link for more information on Mr. Yancey and his company.