Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Key moments when you should update your life insurance policy

Life events usually occur around the start or end of a cycle (iStock)
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A lot of people tend to forget to update their insurance policies. It’s easy to regard life insurance as just one of your monthly bills. Changes in premiums happen all the time, and it’s not often that these are explained to us. However, certain life changes mean you have to revisit your insurance policy. Here are some key moments in life that should trigger a call to your insurance agent.

You are getting married or getting a divorce: If you are gaining or losing a dependent, you need to update your insurance policy. Not doing so could either not include them into your plan or you’ll be paying a higher premium for a person you are no longer with.

You have children: If you’re not planning on getting a separate insurance plan for your children, you may want to include them in yours. Increasing your coverage is just one of the many options that is readily available to you. Such changes can help secure your children’s financial future, help them later on with education expenses, or simply see to it that they are honored part of your estate if the unthinkable occurs.
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You got a new job: Depending on which way your salary went, you need to revisit your insurance policies. It could be possible to be burdened with an insurance premium that’s too expensive for your new job. At the same time, upgrading your coverage is a good choice if you got a significant pay increase.

You finally retired: For people who are part of a group life insurance policy through an employer, retiring would mean losing the coverage. Now that you’re relying on insurance as your income adjusting it according to your lifestyle is necessary.

Delos H. Yancey III is the chairman, president, and CEO of State Mutual Insurance. He is a Certified Financial Examiner, a Certified Insurance Examiner, and a fellow of the LIMRA Leadership Institute. Visit his company's website for more on its services and history.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Top mistakes for first-time life insurance buyers

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Getting life insurance is a major milestone for any adult. It gives you peace of mind and is a great way to invest on your future retirement. However, given the importance of getting insurance, there are still people who make mistakes when enrolling for a plan for the first time. These mistakes could mean paying a higher premium for unwanted or unnecessary coverage. Here are some of the top mistakes first-time life insurance buyers make.

One of the biggest mistakes one could make is buying life insurance offered to them by family members or friends. You may trust them with your life and their intentions may be good, but getting the same insurance as people close to you or offered by family and friends without knowing all the terms might not give you what you need later on.

Another major mistake is getting swept away by the terms without actually thinking if the coverage fits your situation. The best insurance plans take into consideration a person’s needs, wants, and a budget they are comfortable with. Not being able to pay monthly premiums could ruin this long-term commitment.

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Making all beneficiaries primary beneficiaries is also a common mistake. This can have major consequences as primary beneficiaries receive both benefits of your insurance policy and the burden of paying debts. If primary beneficiaries are not appointed properly, your insurance benefits could be divided unevenly and cause trouble for those you will leave behind.

Lastly, failing to update insurance plans occurs often. When new health-related issues arise, your insurance may not cover it. When these situations occur, refer back to your plan or your insurance provider.

Delos H. Yancey III is the chairman, president, and CEO of State Mutual Insurance. He is a Certified Financial Examiner, a Certified Insurance Examiner, and a fellow of the LIMRA Leadership Institute. Visit his company's website for more on information regarding services and its history.