Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A walkthrough on the factors that affect health insurance premium

Image source: simplelifeinsure.com

Health insurance is the most necessary protection plan when one decides to buy an insurance protection for oneself and family members. To save oneself from financial trouble emerging from health issues or emergency in the future, it’s important to purchase a best-rated health insurance plan.

Before buying a health insurance plan, one must always compare the cost and benefits offered by different insurers. Playing a critical role in the purchasing process of family health insurance, premium amounts are affected by a number of factors. One’s premium amount is less if purchased at a young age. It is the most decisive factor that has an impact on the cost of a premium. Location also affects one’s premium rate; people who live in metropolitan cities are more prone to health issues, with medical costs being more expensive in such areas. 

Image source: connectforhealthco.com
Family size matters, and the family floater sum assured is extended to one family including spouse and children. While the cost incurred in purchasing a family floater does not break the bank, a family of four will have to pay a higher premium amount compared to a family of two.

Gender plays a role in health insurance premiums, and women are charged more by insurers, as they believe that women use more pharmaceuticals, see the doctor more often, and are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses. In addition, pregnancy is factored in the premium. Family medical history may be used as justification for higher health insurance premiums. The nature of one’s work also plays a role in affecting premium amounts, especially for jobs involving high injury rates, hazardous chemicals, international business travel, and others.

Delos H. Yancey III is the president and CEO of State Mutual Insurance, a legal reserve mutual insurer headquartered in Rome, Georgia. For more information about the company and its work, head over to this website.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The importance of travel insurance

Image source: looneynature.com

Travel insurance is often overlooked, especially when vacationers or backpackers get too caught up on costs and other travel-related expenses. There are many advantages to getting a travel insurance policy before setting off on a vacation. Below are some of them.

It covers you against travel risks. A good travel insurance will spare you from going crazy when situations such as lost or stolen luggage, flight cancellations, and unexpected hospital visits happen while you travel. It will give you peace of mind and, more importantly, a stress-free vacation.

Image source: travelinsurancedirect.com.au
It gives you health coverage in remote areas. If you consider yourself as an offbeat traveler, you will find yourself in remote areas with limited medical facilities. In case you suffer from a sudden illness or get into an accident in a remote area, your travel insurance will ensure your recovery no matter where you are, even if it means getting you airlifted or shuttled.

It gives you peace of mind in terms of personal liability. In case you find yourself in a legal dispute while traveling or battling losses against unforeseen eventualities, a travel insurance can cover you. It keeps you from any worry as you hop from one place to another, as well as ensures a hassle-free (and charge-free) holiday.

State Mutual Insurance has been in business for over 75 years. A legal reserve mutual insurer, the company does not have stockholders, but is run for the benefit of and owned by its policyholders. In recent years, it has been helping older Americans maintain a sense of security with products designed specifically for their benefit. State Mutual’s current primary product is Medicare Supplement Insurance. For more information, visit the company’s website.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

A walkthrough on the factors that affect health insurance premium

Image result for age affect health insurance premium
Image source: theinsurance24x7.blogspot.com

Health insurance is the most necessary protection plan when one decides to buy an insurance protection for oneself and family members. To save oneself from financial trouble emerging from health issues or emergency in the future, it’s important to purchase a best-rated health insurance plan.

Before buying a health insurance plan, one must always compare the cost and benefits offered by different insurers. Playing a critical role in the purchasing process of family health insurance, premium amounts are affected by a number of factors. One’s premium amount is less if purchased at a young age. It is the most decisive factor that has an impact on the cost of a premium. Location also affects one’s premium rate; people who live in metropolitan cities are more prone to health issues, with medical costs being more expensive in such areas.

Family size matters, and the family floater sum assured is extended to one family including spouse and children. While the cost incurred in purchasing a family floater does not break the bank, a family of four will have to pay a higher premium amount compared to a family of two.

Image result for work affect health insurance premium
Image source: commonwealthfund.org
Gender plays a role in health insurance premiums, and women are charged more by insurers, as they believe that women use more pharmaceuticals, see the doctor more often, and are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses. In addition, pregnancy is factored in the premium. Family medical history may be used as justification for higher health insurance premiums. The nature of one’s work also plays a role in affecting premium amounts, especially for jobs involving high injury rates, hazardous chemicals, international business travel, and others.

Delos H. Yancey III is the president and CEO of State Mutual Insurance, a legal reserve mutual insurer headquartered in Rome, Georgia. For more information about the company and its work, head over to this website.

Friday, January 4, 2019

How to maximize MediGap insurance

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Image source: pbs.org

Also known as MediGap, Medicare supplement insurance helps take the costs not included in the coverage provided by original Medicare. Taken together, the two policies can help pay for a broad assortment of medical bills and reduce the amount of out-of-pocket medical expenditures. For many older adults, MediGap insurance is an excellent investment, providing the coverage necessary to prevent surprise hospitalization expenses.

Medicare supplement insurance coverage, however, can vary broadly. It is also important to remember that MediGap insurance cannot cover long-term care costs, nor can it pay for dental care, vision care, and, in many cases, prescription drugs. Moreover, MediGap coverage is individual; for your spouse to be covered, you would need to buy one.

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Image source: pbs.org
Many companies offer a basic package of MediGap insurance policies that come in lettered plans. Despite differences in other individual offerings, which vary by the company, each type of lettered plan has a mandated set of fixed benefits that are uniform throughout multiple states, with few exceptions. MediGap providers in Massachusetts, Minnesota, or Wisconsin are subject to different governing laws.

Some standard plans (E, H, I, and J) can no longer be purchased by new subscribers, and the previous standard plan of choice in the past few years, Plan F, is being discontinued in 2019. In the past, many people have preferred MediGap Plan F because of its comprehensive coverage; Plan G is a recommended alternative that offers similar coverage.

For individuals under original Medicare, the best times to acquire MediGap insurance are within at least a day after one’s 65th birthday or up to six months of signing up for Medicare Plan B. This would allow them to guarantee their coverage and purchase it at the best price available.

Delos H. Yancey is the CEO of State Mutual insurance, which provides coverage for policyholders across 44 states and the District of Columbia. Visit his company’s website for more on its policies.